This is the story of U.S. Attorney William Kolibash’s relentless fight against organized crime in the foothills of West Virginia and beyond. Not content with only the tools at his disposal, Kolibash sought new and different means to put away kingpins who’d successfully skirted the law. He pioneered the use of the RICO statute to bring criminals to justice and became the first U.S Attorney ever to make use of multi-jurisdictional task forces and investigative grand juries. In his twenty years in the Northern District of West Virginia, Kolibash prosecuted all manner of crimes and criminals, ranging from old-school moonshiners who operated a massive marijuana ring, to sex traffickers, to violent Jamaican posses, to major drug dealers at the forefront of the cocaine wave. He also convicted the notorious “Godfather” of midwestern crime, Paul Hankish, and finished his career by bringing down the murderous and corrupt swami of the Hare Krishna movement. Featuring William Kolibash, Shariane Kolibash Taylor, and Jon Land.
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