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People's University: Class 4: Dinosaur C.S.I.

August 11, 2022
7:00pm - 8:30pm

People's University: Class 4: Dinosaur C.S.I.

Class 4: "Dinosaur C.S.I."

Instructor: Lindsay Kastroll

Dinosaurs left more behind than just their bones and skin. They also left footprints, coprolites, and other evidence of their day-to-day life. We will examine different types of dinosaur fossils and how each informs paleontologists about dinosaur behavior, just like how crime scene investigators use physical evidence from a crime to piece together the story of what happened!

INSTRUCTOR: LINDSAY KASTROLL is a paleontology student and museum volunteer with a special interest in dinosaurs. Following her recent graduation from California University of Pennsylvania with degrees in Biology and Geology, she will be attending a master’s program in Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta starting in Fall 2022 where she will complete research on ornithischian dinosaurs: think things like Triceratops, Ankylosaurus, and Stegosaurus. She got her start volunteering with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History writing “Mesozoic Monthly,” a series of deep dives on prehistoric creatures for the museum blog.



People's University: Dinosaurs!

Class 1: Thursday, July 21 — 7PM
- What is a Dinosaur? - Instructor: Lindsay Kastroll
Class 2: Thursday, July 28 — 7PM-The Dinosaur Family Tree - Instructor: Lindsay Kastroll
Class 3: Thursday, Aug. 4 —  7PM - Tectonics & Dinosaur Dispersal - Instructor: Lindsay Kastroll
Class 4: Thursday, Aug. 11 — 7PM - Dinosaur C.S.I. - Instructor: Lindsay Kastroll
Class 5: Thursday, Aug. 18 — 7PM - Dinosaur Species of Jurassic Park - Instructor: Taylor McCoy
Class 6: Thursday, Aug. 25 — 7PM - The Evolution of Flight- Instructor: Taylor McCoy
Class 7: Thursday, Sept. 1 — 7PM - The End of Dinosaurs and Rise of Mammals - Instructor: Dr. A.R. West
Class 8: Thursday, Sept. 8 — 6PM - Finale Field Trip to Carnegie Museum of Natural History - Instructor and Guide: Dr. Matthew Lamanna

Featured Book:

The ideal textbook for non-science majors, this lively and engaging introduction encourages students to ask questions, assess data critically and think like a scientist. Building on the success of previous editions, Dinosaurs has been thoroughly updated to include new discoveries in the field, such as the toothed bird specimens found in China and recent discoveries of dinosaur soft anatomy. Illustrations by leading paleontological illustrator John Sibbick and new, carefully-chosen photographs, clearly show how dinosaurs looked, lived and their role in Earth history. Making science accessible and relevant through clear explanations and extensive illustrations, thetext guides students through the dinosaur groups, emphasizing scientific concepts rather than presenting endless facts. Grounded in the common language of modern evolutionary biology – phylogenetic systematics – students learn to think about dinosaurs the way that professional paleontologists do.

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In 1951, the Ohio County Public Library's librarian, Virginia Ebeling, referenced British historian Thomas Carlyle, who said, “the public library is a People’s University,” when she initiated a new adult education program with that name. Miss Ebeling charged the library with the responsibility of reaching “as many people in the community as possible.” In keeping with that tradition of public libraries as sanctuaries of free learning for all people, the Ohio County Public Library revived the series in 2010.

The People’s University features courses (taught by experts in each subject) that enable patrons to pursue their goal of lifelong learning in classic subjects such as history, music appreciation, philosophy, and literature. Patrons may attend as many classes as they wish. There are no tests of other requirements and all programs are free and open to the public. For more information about PU: The Cold War, EMAIL US,  visit, or call the library at 304-232-0244.

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